Category Archives: Manifestation

You Are Capable Of Amazing Things

Night sky, outline of trees, and the words "I have the power to manifest my dreams" in white font against the stars in the sky.

There’s a lot of negativity right now — online, in your social circles, in the news. And all that negativity can erode optimism and drive. You can’t control the things around you; you can only control your response to outside events. Your response determines your outcome. When others are being negative, look for the positive in the situation. Keep taking inspired action to reach your goals. Make an effort to complete one task a day that will inch you closer to whatever you’re trying to achieve.

Believe in yourself. Don’t listen to the naysayers. You have the power to manifest your dreams.

Mid-December Round Up

December has been a crazy month, trying to finish up the last of my orders, while attempting to wrap up business tasks ahead of the end of the year. I’ve abbreviated my morning practice to allow for some much needed sleep — moving my gratitude journaling and affirmations to the end of the day, and using the early morning to write out my main goals, and set intentions for the day.

Image of out of focus lights, with the words, "I am so grateful I have the power to manifest my dreams" written over the image.

More than anything, I’m thankful for new and return customers, and for all of the support of my online community. As this is year is winding down, I’m looking forward to 2022 and new opportunities and possibilities. I think now more than ever I’m ready to pull out all the stops, and get to the next level with my business, and reach all of my personal goals. I’m looking forward to helping others reach their goals as well. 💙

Mid-Week Progress – 24Feb2021

I feel like the week got off to a sluggish start, and I’m trying to make up for that with a lengthy to-do list. Today I’ve managed to get a couple of orders out the door, and complete some social media work as well. I’m knitting a new bundle of washcloths (the pic below) to get listed on Etsy this week, while occasionally watching “Boys Over Flowers”, and “The King: Eternal Monarch”, two very different KDramas I’m enjoying out of many that I have added to my Netflix queue. I’m watching enough Korean shows and music videos now that YouTube and other websites are occasionally showing me Korean advertising. 😀

Four skeins of blue yarn on a table with 3 knit washcloths, one of which is in progress. A sunny window with grey curtains shines in the background.

I’ve been keeping up with my DuoLingo Spanish studies, which are getting slightly easier to review. I am really enjoying the newer DuoLingo format – I don’t know when they overhauled the Spanish program, but I like the graphics and the interface much better than previous years when I’ve used it. I will have to go back to see if they’ve similarly updated the Korean lessons.

I haven’t talked much about Mindset and Manifestation work that I regularly complete to keep me operating in a positive state, and working toward long-term goals. I actually have a lengthy process, utilizing affirmations and written statements, as well as some reading and meditation work I do at night. In January, I stopped doing this work, and it shows with the lack of sales and progress I had for the month. I’m ramping up my practice again, and hoping to get some fresh motivation and inspiration by attending a free training with Jack Canfield tomorrow. I’ve been happy with his free content and books, and want to feel a bit more energized around the activities I need to complete to get back on track with my goals. 🙂

There’s also exercise, re-starting to log what food I’m eating using MyFitnessPal, writing, other creative work that I want to do but have been neglecting. I have no shortage of things to work on. I need more hours in the day.

I hope you’re having a good week and making progress toward whatever goals you’ve set for yourself. Be well, and stay well.