It’s Workday Wednesday! I scrapped the planned grocery shopping this morning to work on a new order I received late last night, and to plan out some photography to freshen up my Etsy listings. It’s been a dreary day so far — lots of clouds and no sun. Even if it’s going to be a long day, I am already getting stuff done. Productivity is key!

Bongo Cat surveys his knitted riches.
I got a bunch of knitting accomplished yesterday, even if I didn’t get much done in the evening. We’ve moved onto the KDrama, “Strongest Deliveryman”, which we’re watching during dinner. My husband and I are already familiar with some of the actors — I’m not sure if that’s good or bad; we’ve been watching a lot of Netflix, and KDramas in particular lately. We’re only two episodes into this one, so we’re still discovering where the storyline is headed, but I would like to see a redemption arc and a happy ending for Kim Sun-Ho’s character. At least a happier ending for him than he had in “Start Up”.
I’m slowly making progress with my Korean studies. I have kind of fallen off with Spanish and need to work that back in. 15 minutes a day for each seems like it should be doable, but somehow it’s a one or the other type thing. I’m using DuoLingo for Spanish and Memrise for Korean. It would probably be easier if I was using the same platform for both, but I’m having much more success with Korean on Memrise, and I prefer the Spanish lessons in DuoLingo. Two platforms it is, then!
Anyway, it’s back to knitting and listening to the washing machine spin out the first load. I hope that, regardless of what you’re working on or trying to accomplish today, that you have a productive and successful day!