Category Archives: Weather

Workday Wednesday!

It’s Workday Wednesday! I scrapped the planned grocery shopping this morning to work on a new order I received late last night, and to plan out some photography to freshen up my Etsy listings. It’s been a dreary day so far — lots of clouds and no sun. Even if it’s going to be a long day, I am already getting stuff done. Productivity is key!

Two piles of colorful knitted washcloths stacked in front of a white knitted Bongo Cat cover which protects the sewing machine beneath it.

Bongo Cat surveys his knitted riches.

I got a bunch of knitting accomplished yesterday, even if I didn’t get much done in the evening. We’ve moved onto the KDrama, “Strongest Deliveryman”, which we’re watching during dinner. My husband and I are already familiar with some of the actors — I’m not sure if that’s good or bad; we’ve been watching a lot of Netflix, and KDramas in particular lately. We’re only two episodes into this one, so we’re still discovering where the storyline is headed, but I would like to see a redemption arc and a happy ending for Kim Sun-Ho’s character. At least a happier ending for him than he had in “Start Up”.

I’m slowly making progress with my Korean studies. I have kind of fallen off with Spanish and need to work that back in. 15 minutes a day for each seems like it should be doable, but somehow it’s a one or the other type thing. I’m using DuoLingo for Spanish and Memrise for Korean. It would probably be easier if I was using the same platform for both, but I’m having much more success with Korean on Memrise, and I prefer the Spanish lessons in DuoLingo. Two platforms it is, then!

Anyway, it’s back to knitting and listening to the washing machine spin out the first load. I hope that, regardless of what you’re working on or trying to accomplish today, that you have a productive and successful day!

Monday Knitting

The last Monday of February 2021 started off with snow and sleet, and now we have bright sun and an afternoon nearing 40F. I’m currently sitting in a sunbeam, knitting a washcloth bundle from these beautiful colors, and thinking ahead to warmer temperatures. Not that I’m ready for spring — I’m not looking to jump that far ahead, but I could use the break from the snow. Maybe a week of sun and 50F, where we could get out for a walk without sliding around. 🙂

Photo: One yellow and one green washcloth, along with a set of circular knitting needles, and skeins of orange and multicolor cotton yarn.

As we’re about a week out from March (yes, March — how did that happen?), I’m looking ahead on my to-do list. I’m working on some new listings for the shop, and I’m itching to knit something different. The recent weather has me inspired to try a cardigan, which would be way outside of my comfort zone. I just need to poke around at patterns to see what I like, and what yarn I’d need.

Have a good week! Let me know what you’re working on, or hoping to get started on.

Fall is Here!

So it’s officially fall! Of course, mother nature is going to give us 90 degree days after a stretch of gorgeous sunny days in the 70’s. But the leaves are changing – starting to turn from a bright green to those lovely shades of red and gold.

Crochet Leaves for Girlnovember's Twitch Subtree -

Crochet Leaves for Girlnovember’s Twitch Subtree –

I’ve spent some time working out a pattern for leaves that I can attach to my Twitch channel subscriber SubTree. Today I tried my hand at crochet, with some mild success. The leaves still need some work, as do my tension and overall crochet skills, but it’s a start.