I feel like the week got off to a sluggish start, and I’m trying to make up for that with a lengthy to-do list. Today I’ve managed to get a couple of orders out the door, and complete some social media work as well. I’m knitting a new bundle of washcloths (the pic below) to get listed on Etsy this week, while occasionally watching “Boys Over Flowers”, and “The King: Eternal Monarch”, two very different KDramas I’m enjoying out of many that I have added to my Netflix queue. I’m watching enough Korean shows and music videos now that YouTube and other websites are occasionally showing me Korean advertising. 😀

I’ve been keeping up with my DuoLingo Spanish studies, which are getting slightly easier to review. I am really enjoying the newer DuoLingo format – I don’t know when they overhauled the Spanish program, but I like the graphics and the interface much better than previous years when I’ve used it. I will have to go back to see if they’ve similarly updated the Korean lessons.
I haven’t talked much about Mindset and Manifestation work that I regularly complete to keep me operating in a positive state, and working toward long-term goals. I actually have a lengthy process, utilizing affirmations and written statements, as well as some reading and meditation work I do at night. In January, I stopped doing this work, and it shows with the lack of sales and progress I had for the month. I’m ramping up my practice again, and hoping to get some fresh motivation and inspiration by attending a free training with Jack Canfield tomorrow. I’ve been happy with his free content and books, and want to feel a bit more energized around the activities I need to complete to get back on track with my goals. 🙂
There’s also exercise, re-starting to log what food I’m eating using MyFitnessPal, writing, other creative work that I want to do but have been neglecting. I have no shortage of things to work on. I need more hours in the day.
I hope you’re having a good week and making progress toward whatever goals you’ve set for yourself. Be well, and stay well.