New Year, New Monday, New Goals – 2022

New Year, New Monday, New Goals

I’m working through all the business end-of-year crazy: inventory, bookkeeping, estimated tax filings; and trying to keep up with orders. But I’m also looking ahead to a shiny new year full of new possibilities. I’m in the process of relaunching this blog, so new ideas, product, and content coming soonish. Until then, here’s wishing you the best for 2022!

Mid-December Round Up

December has been a crazy month, trying to finish up the last of my orders, while attempting to wrap up business tasks ahead of the end of the year. I’ve abbreviated my morning practice to allow for some much needed sleep — moving my gratitude journaling and affirmations to the end of the day, and using the early morning to write out my main goals, and set intentions for the day.

Image of out of focus lights, with the words, "I am so grateful I have the power to manifest my dreams" written over the image.

More than anything, I’m thankful for new and return customers, and for all of the support of my online community. As this is year is winding down, I’m looking forward to 2022 and new opportunities and possibilities. I think now more than ever I’m ready to pull out all the stops, and get to the next level with my business, and reach all of my personal goals. I’m looking forward to helping others reach their goals as well. 💙

Holiday Order Progress – 3 Dec 2021

TGIF! Though I’m not quite sure what my excitement is about, as I’m going to be knitting/working pretty much 24/7 for the next 3 weeks. 😂 But it’s Friday, yo!

I’m currently working on a new stack of waffle washcloths for an Etsy order, and perusing YouTube for Spanish programming to watch while I knit. I’m all about the multitasking.

I hope your Friday, and your weekend, are off to a great start!

A desktop with laptop and monitor, and a colorful stack of dishcloths, with one cloth on circular needles.

New Month, New Goals – Dec 2021

It’s December, and a chance to close out 2021 with positivity and momentum.

Use the next 31 days to figure out what you want to do, have, be. And then get to work.

It may be something you can put into motion immediately, but more likely, it will require several small steps to get there. That’s ok. Decide on the steps you need to take to put you on your new path. And then, take action. Without taking action, you’re just thinking. Have faith in yourself. Believe in what you want, and your ability to get it. Make that call, write that email, learn that thing, reach out to that mentor. Take action and make things happen. You can do this.

New Month, New Beginning, New Intentions, New Mindset, New Goals, New Focus, New Results.

New Month, New Beginning, New Intentions, New Mindset, New Goals, New Focus, New Results.